A review by sreddous
Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar by Cheryl Strayed

challenging dark emotional hopeful inspiring reflective sad fast-paced


It's so satisfying when you find an author who writes in a way that really clicks in your head. I love advice blogs like Dear Sugar and Captain Awkward and so I was eager to just grab a book format of Dear Sugar's columns.

I LOVE the way Sugar writes. The balance of sweet and gentle but also firm makes so much sense to me. There are some gorgeous, highly-quotable moments here. There are some heartbreaking stories. I felt gut-punched by a lot of these stories and questions. I believe Sugar knows just when to use long, flowery sentences and short, hard-hitting ones.

I see some other reviews saying that the advice doesn't work for them because a ton of these answers/columns involve Sugar telling her own stories as comparison -- this is a fair critique, but for me personally, it really really works. My brain likes to see a "similar yet different" story that also "tells the same moral/arrives at the same conclusion", so if your brain also works similarly, I definitely recommend this. But, I can see why Sugar's "here's a story that happened to me that's kinda relevant" format might not work for everyone. Still, it worked like heck for me.

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