A review by em_reads_books
Insert Groom Here by K. M. Jackson


Fun and funny and sometimes more emotional than I was really prepared for, among the jokes and fluff. I love Jackson's voice, if not the mechanics of her writing... there are some repetitive bits and copyediting issues here and there, but just as in reading Bounce they didn't bug me for long before just enjoying the ride kicked in. In this one, though, I felt like there was way too much telling-not-showing about our hero; apparently he was a playboy who was with a different woman every night before meeting Eva, but that just feels so out of character I can't help but see it as a Romance Hero Trope that needed checking off. Same with his tense relationship with his dad; the conflict felt so forced. That kind of thing was so much better developed on Eva's side; she was such a believable "ice princess" carefully crafting her own image right up til the delightful last scene.