A review by pagesofgabriella
American Daughter: A Memoir of Intergenerational Trauma, a Mother's Dark Secrets, and a Daughter's Quest for Redemption by Stephanie Thornton Plymale


“I was an American daughter, in the most optimistic sense of the phrase. And I was an American nightmare. I was a child, one of millions, who fell between the cracks”

Wow, my first memoir of 2021 is in the books and it was a heavy one. Thank you [#partner] @bibliolifestyle and @harperonebooks for this gifted copy.

This book just came out yesterday 1/12/21 so it’s hot off the press!

There are quite a few triggers in this one that I want to make clear to anyone who is interested in picking up this deeply moving book. Those triggers include: sexual assault, pedophilia, suicide, drug addiction, miscarriage, mental illness, loss of a parent, and child abuse.

Stephanie Thornton Plymale has experienced incomprehensible trauma that took root before she even came into the world. She lacked basic care and nourishment and was often found homeless or trapped in a dangerous foster home, her mother was in and out of jail and psych wards her whole childhood, and her siblings were all separated from her, leaving her to fend for herself.

What truly sets this book apart is the longing Stephanie still had, despite it all, to learn about her mother’s life as she learns that her mother is dying of cancer. She somehow had the strength to put aside the pain and trauma her mother supplied her with, to sit down with her and learn her story. Despite having read this story (in one sitting by the way) I still can’t begin to understand how difficult it must have been for Stephanie to put her mother’s story to paper. To have to dredge through her own trauma to put her mother’s story and life first.

To think that Stephanie kept her story to herself for 50 years is heartbreaking. The courage that it took her to share this story with the world is incredible, and this memoir is a brutal glimpse into the foster care system in America and the lives of children who fell through the cracks because of a broken system.