A review by kiwikathleen
Beast by Ally Kennen


I’m not sure when I got this book but it’s been hanging around in my must-read-then-move-on- along box which has been taking up room on the wardrobe floor for nearly a year now. Having a day sick in bed has its advantages … so far I’ve read two books and there’s still time to start another before real sleep takes me for the night.

Anyway, you don’t want to hear that – you want to know what I thought of this book. Well, I really enjoyed it. Clearly, when I picked it up from wherever it was, I must have found something in the blurb that intrigued me, but today it was almost sight-unseen and I just went straight into it.

The story is told by a 17-year-old boy who has been moved from foster home to foster home for too long. Sure, he’s been at this one for 3 years, but he’s never let himself trust them entirely, and they knew his reputation before they took him on, so have never entirely trusted him. And there is something he’s been hiding from everyone, something that has him spending all his money on butchered pigs, something that is now causing him sleepless nights.

This book has a great pace, a fascinating story, believable characters, and a heart. I enjoyed it very much.