A review by alwaysreminiscent
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline


I wanted to read this book before I saw the movie and I'd heard amazing things about it from so many people (including my mom and the women from the podcast Three Book Girls). I'm so glad that I listened to them and read the book because it was so good! So good. Its such a believable futuristic novel. The future that our main character lives in is a future that could very well happen and that really makes the book that much better. I love how smart the main character is. I can't (well I can because of the book) imagine living the life he does and doing everything he does. He has some major brains and major dedication.

It's possible that some of you reading this are thinking "how much can really happen in a book with this premise" and my answer to you is so much! So much more happens in this book than I thought would happen. It's way more than an escapist video game. Some seriously crazy stuff happens and it really keeps you drawn into the book. I read about 200 pages within a day and most of that on the subway. It was such a fast read and it was so good. My mom and I both dreamed in video game while reading this book, it was so immersive!

I'm excited for the movie even though I know that there is no way that they can do this book justice, there is just too much information and too much going on. Not all of it is action. Regardless, I highly recommend this book. Passing it on to my gamer husband to read now.