A review by amandalynn6
If You Give a Single Dad a Nanny by Ann Einerson

Did not finish book. Stopped at 43%.
I’m actually really disappointed in this dnf. The title is incredible, and I wanted to love the inside so much. I feel like if I had forced myself to finish it, it would have been a 3 star book, but I just couldn’t make myself go through with the mediocrity. There was so much telling and almost no showing. The author repeated over and over again how sunshine Marlow was, and how grumpy Dylan was, but there was no proof. And I heard over and over again about how they fought so much, but they didn’t. They’d fight for half a page, and then we’d move on and the author would be like omg I can’t believe we fought again, why do we do that. There was a speed dating event, and that had so much potential to be awkward and beastly and funny, but it ended before it even began. This was constant. We’d get somewhere and move on so quickly there was no chance to live in the ademe and forward the story. The concept is great. The follow through is not.