A review by a_j_torres0
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff


This is a New Adult/Adult Dark Fantasy novel book 1.

Book Cover: 5* - Ok, so by this point you all know what my fave covers are, right? A cover showing me who the main character is or who they will be, and boy oh boy does this cover show me who the main character is. Not to mention the illustrated work is beautiful, creepy(in a good way), but beautiful. Hey! It sets the tone for the whole book, so, I love it.

Summary/Tagline: 5* - I only read the summary once before reading the book, but it was enough to get me hooked to what kind of story this is going to be. One of death, murder, and betrayal, and BOY did this story deliver on that. Trust me guys, this book is not for the faintest of hearts lol.

Characters: 5* - For the entire book we only have 1 POV and that is of Mia Corvere, the main character of the book. We do get a few other POVs but they are small and brief. Mia, I will proudly say, is my Queen, a badass, murdering Queen lmao. She is rarely in need of rescue, and I mean rarely, and she will proudly take charge of any dangers set before. However, she is not without a heart. She does care, even though she will deny it tooth and nail, and I love that about her. Now, my witty sarcastic shadow cat, Mister Kindly. I would love to have a lovable a** like him for a friend and never be mad when he talks lol. This shadow creature speaks his mind, even to Mia. He does care for her, and it very much shows in his tone, but if he feels that you are being dumb, he will happily let you know. Tric, oooooh man . . . I love this character. I want to talk about this character, I really do . . . but spoilers lmao. So, I will try my best. He is kind, strong, but is prone to anger easily, and very caring, even though, like Mia, he's a murder too. You know, if you are going to a school of assassins, just assume everyone has killed at least once. Now we have so much more characters in this book, but I don't want to over crowd this section . . . again lol. Just know I thought the teachers are so effing cool, creepy, or just an all around a**hole. Mia also makes friends in this school of assassins, but you will have to figure out who is really friendly, or a traitor with a nice smile.

World Building: 5* - The world building is really amazing. There are things explained in the book while the story is going, but you will also have footnotes at the bottom of the page to just go ahead and explain down there or just explain further. The religious system is superb in my opinion. The 3 suns in this fictional world is linked to the religion, the nightless days, or nevernights, egh? Egh? Lol. Anyway, how many times the suns rotate in the sky, and when the 3 will fully set to bring the darkest day/night the people have ever known. There is no moon, there is a city that lives within the bones of a God, the political system, OH MY GOD! Guys, just take my word that some serious work went into creating the world in this story, BUT! But, but, but, it is nowhere near as . . . dense as The Lord of the Rings and Inheritance Cycle, promise. Unfortunately, the footnotes at the bottom, although it was great to have, some of them don't just stay below the page, some info are so expansive that it can take half a page. After several chapters I did have to stop reading the footnotes so I can focus on the story, it was slowing my reading quite a bit every time I read them. I suggest saving reading the footnotes when you are done reading the book and then check them out after, a lot of them are quite funny too lol. Also, before I forget, the book is 3rd person limited, so we mainly know what Mia knows during the story, one especially is her power over shadows, pretty much Mister Kindly and what she is capable of doing with her own shadow. I'm sure once I get more into the series, I may get to find out more, alongside Mia,with what is up with her powers and why she has it.

Story: 5* - Boy oh BOY! Here is another book that sent me on a roller coaster ride of emotions lol. I laughed, I got angry, I balled my eyes out when - when . . . *CRIES!* I would say try not to get attached to characters, but I feel like that is an understatement . . . and hard to do lmao. Now I will admit, when I first started this book, the author's writing style threw me off because I feel like there is nothing like it. It took me some getting used to, but once I was deep into the book, I loved it. The author's flashback scenes are also very interesting. They are somewhat separate from the main story and written in italics. So you will know what is past and what is present without wondering for yourself. Also, WHOO! The sex scenes are something else entirely. *BLUSH!* There are very few of them in this book, heck, that first one in chapter 1 also wasn't anywhere near as descriptive as the later ones, but once Mia is going at it with another character, WOW! Just wow lol. I couldn't help but blush my stupid cheeks out lmao. Other than that, this story also had me at the edge of my seat. I was worried for Mia, Mister Kindly, who is a shadow creature, Tric, OMG I could barely put the book down. Just know, once you start the story, it only gets darker from there.

Over All: 5* - Over all, I love this book and I desperately want to read the next one, and I can't wait for book 3 later this year. YES! I'm already expecting to love the next book lol. Mia is a great main character with an amazing supporting cast, and minor characters are great too. The story almost always had me at the edge of my seat. In this school of assassins, no one is safe from danger, not even Mia. Trust me, she's had her fair share of maiming done to her, and they are not pretty sights to read. The world building is phenomenal and the writing sure is something(In a good way I promise lol.) All in all, I would also recommend this book to anyone who loves dark fantasy or dark stories period, BUT! But, but, but, I would not recommend this book to a first time fantasy reader. It is dark yes, and nowhere near as dense as the books I mentioned up above, but I would still place Nevernight just under them. So, I just added a new book to my fave books of all times, and I look forward to add the rest of the series to this list.