A review by blodeuedd
Mr. Darcy's Little Sister by C. Allyn Pierson


I sure like my Austen books, and of course those about Lizzy and Darcy. This book was good because it was about Georgiana, and what happened to her.

Lizzy and Darcy are married and it's time for Georgiana's first season. She is really nervous, and she is still very shy. In this book she will find love, and Darcy will have an adventure of his own.

I think she did well with portraying Georgiana. She was still that shy young woman from the books, and she has a hard time in this book. And of course we met the Darcy's, in love and happy, Colonel Fitzwilliam his normal smiling self, the Bingley family (Caroline hunting for a husband), Kitty, and some new characters.

This book will have a man trying to win her hand, and he is not a nice man. She is trying to figure out what love is, and Darcy is sent to a mission to France. That part we didn't get to read about, and I think it was for the best. Cos I couldn't really see him being sent on any mission.

I loved that she got a book of her own, and it only made me want more like this. I do think Kitty deserve a book, she is sure to be very much more well behaved after Lydia is gone.

The negative part was also positive. She fell in love, he was in love, everyone was happy, but there was this one thing, I can't say it, you have to read it and see what I mean.

Final thoughts: For romance lovers and Austen addicts.