A review by neubprincess
Dragonquest by Anne McCaffrey

Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
Rape and sexist non-sense. This is some old school feminism on display here. I gave the author the benefit of the doubt since she's a lauded female s-f/fantasy author, but the full on rape scene played as romance took it beyond. This is rape culture right here.

"Still holding her, he carried her out of the weyrhold, smothering her protest against his chest as she realized his intention... He wanted to be gentle but, unaccountably Brekke fought him. She pleaded with him, crying out wildly that they'd arouse the sleeping [Dragon] Wirtenth. He wasn't gentle but he was thorough, and, in the end, Brekke astounded him with a surrender as passionate as if her dragon had been involved."

That would be enough for me to mark it sexist rapey non-sense, but all of the main women who we like are caretaker sorts who are strong but not too strong. They discuss at one point how one of the Weyr-women is bad because she fights with the men, which causes all of them to have to get close to protect her and end-up getting hurt themselves. It's construed as a selfish choice on her part. I don't need this BS in my life.