A review by robinsbooks
But Enough About Me by Jon Winokur, Jon Voight, Burt Reynolds


This isn't a true memoir but more of a collection of random musings and anecdotes about the people he's known and worked with over the years--Sally Field, Loni Anderson, Dinah Shore, Clint Eastwood, Hal Needham, Johnny Carson, Bette Davis, and many more big names.

For the most part Burt seemed fairly candid about his relationships but got little coy in talking about some of his personal issues, such as his use of toupees and his penchant for "fisticuffs" when it came to female relationships. He also contradicted himself by saying he and Sally Field never actually lived together but kept their own homes, then later on after giving one of his Florida houses to a friend, said he couldn't even step into the house as he and Sally lived there together.

This was entertaining but take it with a grain or two of salt.