A review by goldandsalt
Cribsheet: A Data-Driven Guide to Better, More Relaxed Parenting, from Birth to Preschool by Emily Oster


If I was sure that I even wanted kids, this would probably be pretty helpful. Knowing basically nothing about childrearing, I would use this to inform which conversations I would need to have with my partner.

But given that I'm just looking for help deciding if kids are even something I should consider (after a lifetime of being a hard no) this was not so helpful. Or maybe it was, because I found many of the issues discussed uninteresting and even off-putting. So maybe it was helpful after all.

In any case, I've got big beef with classical economics and I was very annoyed when the author dropped the economic assumption that people always want to consume more of everything, with no qualifications or discussion. She also seems to be feminism-agnostic and that was a detractor for me, too. We are NOT in a post-patriarchal age, so I would have been more into this if it had been explicitly feminist and considered gender and sexuality a little more critically.