A review by plotsandpotions
The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw


Shea Ernshaw has a gift with words. The Wicked Deep is so beautifully written and whimsical that I could feel the cold breeze on my face and smell the salty air as I read. There were several lines that struck me, but the three below were my absolute favorite:

"Love is an enchantress- devious and wild. It sneaks up behind you, soft and gentle and quiet, just before it slits your throat."

"But magic was not always so linear. It was born from odium. From love. From revenge."

"Magic is a tricky thing. Not easily measured or metered or weighed."

These lines scream with experience, making the story all the more relatable. I can't begin to describe how much I adored her writing.

Overall, I enjoyed the tale of three sisters accused of witchcraft and subsequently drown in the ocean whereupon they return to seek their vengeance on the town every summer from July first to the Summer Solstice. I understood the sister's pain and loved the Ernshaw took her time with the romance in the novel. Some people claimed it was rushed, but Bo, the stranger in town, spends a lot of time ignoring the advances of our main character, Penny. The short snippets into the past were my favorite part. I loved reading about the sisters and things that had occurred in the town in the past. Very similar to what Paula Brackston did in The Witch's Daughter (which I did not really like btw, at least not the modern story. The historical flashbacks were amazing in that book).

If you are looking for a book filled with witchcraft, however, this is not the book for you. It is almost completely absent, but I was okay with that. It's important to understand many of the men and women accused of witchcraft did not practice, but that magic and curses are often born out of terrible events. I look forward to reading more of Ernshaw's work. I hope her writing is just as beautiful in her next book as it was in this one. It was seriously her writing that prompted me to give this book 5 stars. The story was more around a 4.