A review by ameserole
Kingdom of Exiles by Maxym M. Martineau


I have received this ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Kingdom of Exiles was actually pretty good. I definitely flew through this once I found time to just sit and read. Leena is an exiled beast charmer who does what she has to do in order to live. It sucks that she can't go home and basically would trust a rock over a person but hey - she's adapting. I honestly really enjoyed her character. She was refreshing and quite lovable.

So we know that she's kind of the run due to being shunned from her homeland and it wasn't hard to believe that someone out there wanted her dead. It wasn't hard to think about who it was but it was fun for the book to try. I am, however, intrigued to find out which woman was behind all of this since we didn't see what we were looking for - maybe it's someone who comes at the end of the book?

Anyhoo, love is kind of in the air and the romance was cute. HOWEVER, I hate cliffhangers and this book did me dirty. I was so happy and I shouldn't have been because the rug was swept underneath me. Dirty book and a dirty cliffhanger that makes me want to scream. I definitely need the next one and I need for a certain someone to outsmart a certain villain ASAP.