A review by ccgwalt
Any Given Lifetime by Leta Blake


Grade: C

I started this book on audio, but switched to the kindle version halfway through. John Solo's narration didn't work for me. Unfortunately, it wasn't just the narration that didn't work. Leta Blake gave literally every character in this book (except maybe Derrick) a tragic or difficult backstory. There was very little lightness in the story. Neil was mostly angry (not just grumpy, but unpleasantly angry), Joshua was anxiety riddled and spent so much of the book sad. I felt the author failed to make me understand why Joshua and Neil were so obsessed with each other. She told us they were, but I never saw why. In fact,
Spoilerthe romance I was rooting for, and the one that was the sweetest, was between Joshua and Lee

In the end, I didn't really connect well with either main character and never felt much emotional impact from the story. Except for Lee. He was character I most connected with and felt emotional about.