A review by lucyhargrave
Blue Steel Chain by Alex Beecroft


After thinking about it for a while, I decided to downgrade Blue Steel Chain to three stars. Blue Steel Chain is an interesting story, if a bit dark in some places, it is fundamentally the story of two people who've been hurt by past relationships coming together to heal.

The romance between Aidan and James was cute and sweet. But it wasn't one full of passion. Now partly this is because Aidan through the course of the novel discovers that he is asexual, which is terrific because honestly, any romance that has more diverse LGBTQIA+ characters is a win in my book. BUT I struggled to feel the connection between Jame and Aiden. It felt like they fell in love too quickly after only spending a limited about of time together. Having said I did love their interactions, both of them being nervous little cinnamon roles made for some lovely moments.

I just felt that they fell in love too quickly. For a vast majority of the novel, both Aiden and James are with other people. Yes, those people are both arseholes of the highest order, but they are still with them. Aiden, in particular, leaves a very abusive relationship and reasonably quickly decides he is in love with James. I guess I just wanted to see the romance between them have more time to develop. Instead, it felt like secondary storylines took over for a while and detracted attention away from the central romance.

Overall a solid three stars for me because it was enjoyable, but I doubt I'll be re-reading it anytime soon.