A review by giantarms
How to Read Donald Duck by Ariel Dorfman


"Surely it is not good for children to be surreptitiously injected with a permanent compulsion to buy objects they don't need. This is Disney's sole ethical code: consumption for consumption's sake. Buy to keep the system going, throw the things away (rarely are objects shown being enjoyed, even in the comic), and buy the same thing, only slightly different, the next day. Let money change hands, and if it ends up fattening the pockets of Disney and his class, so be it."

p. 66

That is the least of the problems with Disney. I've always thought Disney stories existed in some kind of uncanny valley that I always figured was a result of simplifying things for kids. But of course it's not that simple. This book, why it was written, and the trouble it took to get to American readers was fascinating.

Never forget: Disney was a Bad Man. I don't care how magical you may think his artistic sense was, he was a crappy boss and probably would have benefited a great deal from some therapy.