A review by lynseyisreading
Burn the Night by Jocelynn Drake


For those of you who haven't read any of the other books from this series I should warn you that this is the final book in the series and therefore is wrapping up a lot of loose ends and story lines. You really should start from the beginning for full enjoyment.

This is a really dark and gritty Urban Fantasy series. There's very little in the way of light relief - either in the plot or in the personalities of the characters themselves - and this is the biggest negative for me. The series features various supernaturals. Your lead character, Mira, is a vampire (or a Nightwalker), Danaus, her companion is...something else (I'm loathe to write even though it was revealed in the previous book - I don't even want to chance spoiling it for anyone reading reviews ahead of where they're at). There are also werewolves, witches and the Naturi (the Fae, basically). The Naturi fall into different classes depending on their elemental magic. The Naturi and the Nightwalkers have been enemies for centuries past, and this final book is the culmination of that war.

There is a romantic sub-plot that has been ongoing throughout the series. It was quite slow to develop, but is here in full force in this BURN THE NIGHT.

I have to say, I wasn't keen on the constant point of view changes in this one. We've never had that before, but I sort of understood the need for it. It's a sad fact to say that I much preferred being in Nyx's head than Mira's. I've tried to connect to Mira as a main character, I really have, but I just can't say that I've ever liked her all that much. In fact, I have never been overly enamoured with any of the characters, it's only ever been the plotting and world I've enjoyed.

Overall, I would recommend this series only if you like quite dark, violent and serious urban fantasies. Myself, I much prefer there to be some humour in my UF to balance it all out. I'm glad that I read it, and I enjoyed it for the most part, but I wouldn't ever read it again as I would some of my other series.