A review by thejoyfulbookblogger
Writing for Bliss: A Seven-Step Plan for Telling Your Story and Transforming Your Life by Diana Raab


Writing for bliss is an inspirational how-to book that contains a plethora of information about the way writing can transform you and allow you to grow. The author has written multiple memoirs that aided her self-reflection, self-discovery and healing. It is her hope that those going through similar situations can read her novels and learn from her experiences and also grow from them.

The novel includes numerous writing prompts to get your creative mind flowing. After reading only a few pages into the book I was already excited at the possibilities the book contained for my own personal reflection and growth through writing and I couldn't wait to learn more.

I've always enjoyed reading and writing but I never thought about having the need, the strong drive and motivation to write as many authors will tell you they have. I've never thought much about the fact that I've always loved journaling my innermost thoughts and feelings and that that is the same drive that this author discusses. When I think back to times in my life of frustration, I've always turned to my journal to get my thoughts out on paper and almost 100% of the time always felt better afterwards. It's like letting off steam and being aware that you've expressed yourself and acknowledged where the frustration is coming from and now you can move forward. When I think back on growing up, I've always enjoyed writing and to this day I continue to love writing. My love of reading and writing is what inspired me to start blogging in the first place.

Do you believe in good timing? I think timing plays a large role in our lives and this novel came at the perfect time for me personally. During the few days I spent reading this novel I found myself continuously inspired to write and blog and journal. It's inspired me to get back into more of my writing and I've decided to blog more lifestyle feature posts about topics that I find interesting and that inspire me. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be an author and write a book.

This book is certainly a core foundation for aspiring writers and authors. Even if your genre isn't memoirs, you can still learn so much from this book. I highly recommend this to anyone that enjoys writing, journaling, blogging, and writing poetry. This book has inspired me to write and I believe it can inspire you too. I was lucky enough to receive a printed copy of the novel and although I do love e-books I highly recommend you select a printed copy as it's much easier to highlight and flip back through a physical book and almost impossible to do the same in an e-book. Now that I've finished reading, I'm looking forward to going through the different suggested writing prompts to get my creative juices flowing.