A review by balletbookworm
How to Catch a Queen by Alyssa Cole


4.5 stars. I really loved this layered fairy tale about a woman who made her dreams happen (Shanti wanted to become a queen to help people and studied how to do that like you would any job) and a man trapped into his destiny (Sanyu is the new king to a country that only regained its independence from the colonizers 50 years ago and is frozen between tradition and progress). The Royal Match business was a really cute addition to tie future novels together and all our favorite heroes and heroines from the Reluctant Royals series (plus a few future ones) pop up in text messages/chats. Cole really gets into the work of governing a country that wants to catch up to its neighbors and be a great country but remains deeply suspicious/skeptical/angry about what happened under colonialism and isolationist policies.

What held this back for me that half star was a small part of the resolution. There is a character - you'll know him when you read him - that really pushes some awful misogynist stuff as well as toxic masculinity and when the plot resolution happened it just....went away? I would have liked to see this character apologize to Shanti directly, rather than just Sanyu. It's a side thing, since the resolution between Shanti and Sanyu is the main point and is very good, but that little bit felt unfinished to me.