A review by deltabelta
Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy


Blood Meridian is about that moment when you crack open a history book, find descriptions of the worst tortures and slaughters and genocides imaginable, and ask yourself “why? How can mankind be so consistently cruel, so horrible on such vast scales?”

Some call this a nihilistic book, or Cormac a nihilistic author. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, it’s exactly what he was trying to warn us about. Judge Holden is nihilism physically embodied. He leads processions of doomed young men like a piper, and all men who follow him care for nothing, value nothing, and believe in nothing. They have no concern for the lives of their comrades, or even their own. Their lives are brutish and empty and miserable, the rare fleeting pleasure found only in hedonistic excess. Inevitably, they are destined to die slaughtered like animals in the mud, and the world is better off without them.

Ultimately, the book is hopeful that Holden’s ways are coming to an end; that the unstoppable tide of human progress will pave over his savagery. Its a deeply optimistic book because of, not despite, it facing the darkness.

Favorite quote:
SpoilerFor let it go how it will, he said, God speaks in the least of creatures. The kid thought him to mean birds or things that crawl but the expriest, watching, his head slightly cocked, said: No man is give leave of that voice. The kid spat into the fire and bent to his work. I aint heard no voice, he said. When it stops, said Tobin, you’ll know you’ve heard it all your life.