A review by never4get
How to Kidnap the Rich by Rahul Raina


Don't know why I persisted with reading this book really. It was certainly very different. A lot of violence and expletives, but also revealing about life in the backstreets of Delhi etc.
The young Ramesh lives an horrendous life with his father on a tea cart. His father abusing him constantly and usually going hungry etc. Until a nun comes across him and insists that he is taken away and sent to school. Of course he is bullied, but it turns out that he is exceptionally gifted.
When Claire, the nun, becomes ill, Ramesh pays for her care by taking exams for other Indian boys. He is extraordinarily successful at this. After she dies, Ramesh comes across Rudi and his family and takes Rudi's exam - and scores the highest mark in the country - which makes Rudi a star with his own TV show and other opportunities. Rudi's family try to renege on paying Ramesh what they owe, but he outwits them and becomes Rudi's manager and considerable wealth accrues.
The book rolls on from there as Rudi descends into a drug scene. Rudi and Ramesh are kidnapped and Ramesh has his little finger cut off.
The story is fast-paced and has the added romantic influence of Ramesh with Priya from the TV program, but she comes from a higher caste and ultimately it would not work out.
Ramesh does go to prison for a few months for educational fraud and after that he goes to the USA and sets up a retreat, which becomes successful.