A review by kristenremenar
The Fearless Flights of Hazel Ying Lee by Julie Leung


I love biographies like this about heroes I haven't heard of, heroes I can share with kids who look like Hazel Ying Lee and kids who love airplanes.

Details are introduced so smoothly in a matter-of-fact way that will impact kids: when little Hazel is running footraces, we learn that "Hazel didn't care that she was not allowed in certain parts of town or that she had to carry identification on her at all times."

Hazel earns her way into becoming one of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) during World War II. The job is dangerous and eventually cost her her life. The lyricism of the book, though, shows the spirit and joy of Hazel Ying Lee as she soars through the sky. This doesn't feel like a "lesson book" even though it shares important information. This book is one kids will reread often for pleasure.