A review by amyiw
Heart of Steel by Meljean Brook


3 1/2 stars
I loved the start of this book and thought it would be better than the first. It just kind of petered out though. Things got too bogged down in the politics. The politics were all new and several different factions. This was interspersed with action scenes so it still was a good read.

Whether to give it a 3 or 4 came down to the romance, this is PNR/steampunk romance after all, and it just never really got going for me. It stayed at the same level without much growth. He was taken with her from before her throwing him over board from the last book, so really it was her coming around to care. She seemed to care from the moment she didn't blame him for her ship's slaughter. The rest just took way too long and never seemed true chemistry. They did seem to be good together, but I didn't have much want to hear more about it. Would rather hear the plot going on... until the plot gets bogged down at points in politics or stories. So really, great beginning, I liked the end though it seems anticlimactic too, and a little hiccup in the story here and there.