A review by anothersarah
Happy Fat: Taking Up Space in a World That Wants to Shrink You by Sofie Hagen


My best friend is seriously body positive and also obese- it has been mind alternating to be lucky enough to be her best friend for that last decade. I've never been her size, yet somehow spent years on constant and varied diets (often with friends) to have a society celebrated body size. At one point in our friendship she laughed and told me that she thinks she has 'reverse body dysmorphia' -she is constantly looking at herself and feeling like she is better looking than she even imagined. I've also hugged her while she cried because a stranger yelled mean things at her from cars while she was walking down the street. This book is AMAZING, it is everyone else's chance to have a window my lucky experience having a bff like I do. Please read it! (And then feel better about yourself, just as you are, there's nothing healthy about hating your body)