A review by tbrack
Ophelia by Lisa M. Klein

Did not finish book.
I stopped reading at 32% which was the point I realized that I didn't care- at all- about any of the characters. Everyone was flat- not relatable, likable, or even interesting. 

The writing was very tedious. At times it was weighed down by overly effusive descriptions (I didn't test this, but I suspect this writer might have used more similes and metaphors than even Shakespeare did and not always to good effect) and then it was punctuated by the bare delivery of those plot points that we expect. It read almost like a story outline at places.

The places where the writer diverged from the well-known story were not particularly interesting or useful. 

I imagine that trying to write a redemptive, female-centered story into a world that Shakespeare originated would be particularly challenging. It might have been better to write a tragic romance in a historical setting all on its own and left Ophelia and Hamlet alone.