A review by silverthane
And the Pursuit of Happiness by Maira Kalman


I’ve never come across a book like this before. The best way I can think to describe it is to say it’s like a children’s picture book, only for adults. There is little writing in this book which is taken up with a mixture of illustrations and photographs (mostly illustrations) which are on the subject of democracy in the United States both past and present.

Kalman writes and illustrates about many American historical figures including Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and, of course, George Washington but also goes on a journey meeting living Americans who help keep democracy in the US alive and kicking. Kalman speaks about these people and her own experiences in America from a uniquely personal and warm perspective which adds to the charm of the book.

Kalman doesn’t fall into the trap of pretending America is perfect and doesn’t do a lot of overt flag waving but does praise America and its history in a much more muted but no less impactive and profound way. I was amazed how much she was able to say through her illustrations. There is humour and some lovely words which I enjoyed immensely

I found the book informative, touching and above all; fun!

Highly recommended