A review by sams84
The Twilight Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko


Once again this holds three character connected stories following primarily the Night Watch's Anton as he first investigates the accusations that an Other has revealed all to a human and that they have offered to make the human an Other, a feat considered impossible by many. Here the Night Watch, Day Watch and Inquisition have to work together to protect their worlds from the human world with tense results dripping with doubt, distrust and conspiracy. The remaining two stories finds Anton and his holiday cut short as a witch of untold power and no real affiliation is found in the woods where Svetlana and Nadya have been holidaying. And it appears that she has in her possession a book that can in fact create an Other, which falls into wrong and rather inexperienced hands. Once again the writing is superb and the change of feel from the gritty streets of Moscow to the fresh open wilds of the Russian countryside really adds to the depth of the story and the characters that arise, particularly with Arina and her unfettered and unchanged world view. I did miss the presence of some of the earlier female characters, particularly Olga who hasn't made much of an appearance since the Night Watch stories. This did also seem to be weighted towards the side of the Light Ones despite the 'rules' that everything is to be in balance, particularly in the finale of the first story but as is traditional 'good' is meant to prevail over 'evil'. Still, this is an excellent volume that is well worth a read, I just hope the next volume returns to the earlier superbity of the first two volumes.