A review by shealea
Ghost of a Feeling by Celestine Trinidad


More often than not, romances are about sparks flying, and heat sizzling as fingers touch, and exploding feelings of giddiness. But what Cris and Nathan had wasn’t all fire and noise; but rather, a quiet, steady romance that held promises of being there for each other no matter what, which I found to be really beautiful. Their chemistry did not rely on insanely fiery attraction; instead, it banked on their mutual empathy and trust.

It genuinely baffles me how Celestine Trinidad was able to explore sensitive topics and themes with painful accuracy, thorough research, and thought-provoking depth within a limited handful of pages. For a relatively short novel, Ghost of a Feeling offered so many wonderfully positive messages, as well as a lot of thoughtful insight on the harsh reality of mental health struggles and the repercussions of denying people the help and support that they need. One of my favorite takeaways from this novel is that we should never undermine or invalidate someone else’s struggle! The story also featured quite a handful of medical jargon that was presented in a way that was never overwhelming or intimidating.

With all that said, it’s an understatement to say that I really, really enjoyed reading this novel. More than just a well-written medical romance, the story Celestine Trinidad tells in Ghost of a Feeling is no-holds-barred honest, carefully constructed, and consistently heart-wrenching.

Note: I received a digital Advanced Reader’s Copy (ARC) of Ghost of a Feeling from the author herself in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to Celestine Trinidad for the opportunity!