A review by 1_and_owenly
Atomic Robo: Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire by Scott Wegener, Brian Clevinger


Back to the present after Robo's trip to the 19th century Southwest America, we see what's been going on with Tesladyne and the world at large after Majestic 12's little adventure back in The Savage Sword of Doctor Dinosaur.

Yes, you seriously need to read previous volumes to get this one.

It begins with a small group of our Action Scientists on the run and trying to bring back Robo and soon moves into a global threat involving a rising number of "biomega" or as we tend to call them, "kaiju" and an attempt to give Robo a new body. Not to mention the whole problem of Majes... uh, I mean ULTRA's mandate.

This whole volume is insane and it does not let up!

The mad engineering alone... Gauss-Scram Guns?! Supercavitating nuclear torpedoes?! Designing a chest cavity sized nuclear reactor?!

All in a day's work for Atomic Robo and friends.

The humor. The action. The horrible, horrible plans...!

I love this.