A review by seven_of_ten
Betrayer by Aaron Dembski-Bowden



My hear is broken. THANKS AGAIN WARHAMMER 40K FOR TAKING MY HEART AND RIPPING IT TO SHREDS. I read this book in under 24 hours and a day later I still get chest pain from how much it hurt me.

*Rant ended*

Once again my dear friends, well the rest of the girls where out watching "The Host" I was reading the "Betrayer".

Gawd, how do I even talk about this?

Well Lorgar and Angron are going on a big boy trip through Ultramars 500 billion worlds or something like that. Yeah, know screwing Ultramariens and burning worlds typical heretic thing.

Only as you can probably guess Lorgar is up to something, where as he has previously tried to calm Angron down, he know encourages it. (It's odd now having worked in a hospital I'm imagining some of the things we'd say to calm someone down said to Angron needless to say we'd all be dead.)

The story was brillient, Lorgar, Guilliman, Angron Argal Tal, Kharn+Lotar (They are the ship I have in my head so there names can't be seperated.) and that Motherfucker Erebus (Yes, THAT is his canon name now...) all made stunning apperances. I honestly can't say if I want to make passionate love with all the characters or kill them. (Fine line there, probably couldn't kill Erebus he's so fashionable.)

Some of the parts with the World Eaters where really enjoyable(mainly the part about the nails killing most psykers.) going through Kharn's mind was well done and a great way to see that side of the story.

Angron's conversation well fighting Guilliman was really good because I'd always thought all of that stuff....but no one would hear me say but as the blood god's son said it they kind of HAVE to listen.

Another great moment was when Lorgar brought up (yet another thing I thought off...and don't try and give me some crappy answer...)why couldn't the Emperor have helped Angron's ragtag army? Seriously, unleash the legion to war and he'd have a much loyaler son and one not so bent on his issues with what he felt was betraying his brothers and sisters.

Can we give Aaron around of applause for another book well done?