A review by aimeesbookishlife
A Blink of the Screen: Collected Shorter Fiction by Terry Pratchett


Arranged in chronological order, this collection is a great way to see how Pratchett's style has evolved over the years. It even includes a short story written when he was a teenager and published in a local paper (and of course it's far better than anything I could write now, let alone when I was that age).

I'd read some of the Discworld stories before, including [b:The Sea and Little Fishes|17082640|The Sea and Little Fishes (Discworld, #22.5; Witches #5.5)|Terry Pratchett|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1419292166s/17082640.jpg|40912257], which is available free online, but the collection also includes a deleted scene from that story so it was worth reading again. (Plus you can never have too much Granny Weatherwax).