A review by 823sisi
Not the Marrying Kind by Kathryn Nolan


This is an ARC review. All opinions are solely my own.

Not the Marrying Kind by Kathryn Nolan is a fun and engaging read. The Quinn family reminds us that the world needs more love and music. I love a book with a playlist. It really helps me get in the vibe of the book.

Fiona Quinn and Max Devlin were raised in the music world but could not be more different. Fiona has a plan and a plan to accomplish that plan. Her plan does not include nomadic Max who is definitely not the marrying kind. When they reunite as adults to save the music they both love their attraction smacks the reader in the face and we all know the plans are being thrown off the fire escape.

I really like the secondary characters. They tie everything together. Mateo and Rafael are amazing as are the parents. Of course, I already felt like I knew the Quinn family from Roxy and Edward's book, Strictly Professional.

I did think this book was a little long but I feel like that's Kathryn Nolan's style. She's very thorough in her scene setting descriptions.

Kathryn Nolan has woven a fun and sexy story around all the music and I am here for it.