A review by 11corvus11
For the Birds: From Exploitation to Liberation by Karen Davis


I skipped parts of this, particularly those where Karen skillfully puts herself in the place of a bird and narrates the situation as well as the sexual assault essay. Basically because I already obsessively think about those things. I don't agree with her on everything, but do agree with a lot. I think she needs a better analysis of ableism in order to make some of the arguments she's made regarding mental competence. That said I've heard a ton of disabled people make arguments attempting disability justice by unintentionally disowning intellectually disabled people, so Davis is not alone and not having a great analysis there.

This book would be good for people who don't know how to empathize with birds, people who are vegan for reasons other than animal ethics, vegetarians, those who eat animals, anyone who cares about animals, feminists- vegan and not- that oppose assigning the label "sexual assault" to what happens to animals in breeding facilities (and why they're often comfortable assigning it to the infinitely rater occurrence of bestiality,) people interested in the behavior of farmed birds and how ridiculous and frankly poorly executed behavioral science is regarding birds, and many others. I could see some non-vegan leftists latching on to some of her arguments as an excuse to ignore other animals but the book as a whole I think offers a really important addition to discussions of other animals and highlights a group of animals that are often pushed to the wayside in discussions of who matters for animal liberation.

I'm in the middle of a move and thus I'm doing almost entirely audiobooks as I pack. I like the narrator on this one and I think I heard her do other books as well.