A review by libraryofash_33
The Crash by Skye Warren, Amelia Wilde


It's Amelia Wilde...of course, I had to give it five stars!

Did I know this was a prequel...nope...was not paying attention so I may have screamed at that ending! Get ready for a cliffhanger because this just slaps you in the face with one!

We get just the right amount of build-up in this quick novel, plot tension, sexual tension, the whole shebang, and then it's over leaving you in that tension until the next book releases...

Was it worth it? Absolutely! I love the Morelli family and honestly cannot wait to nose dive into Carter's story!

In this prequel we meet Carter and June Porter, two opposites forced together to create separate missions. She to photograph wildlife and his to fly her there (and maybe be a part of some sort of secret mission). But they don't arrive at their destination and instead crash land on a deserted island. But was it an accident or is someone out to see Carter doesn't finish what he started...

Seriously...how do I get this next book!?