A review by nooralshanti
Jaeth's Eye by K.S. Villoso


I have been wanting to read a book by this author for a while so when the Agartes Epilogues trilogy (of which this is the first book) went on free promo I grabbed it right away! With working from home and social distancing and everything I thought I would have more reading time, but I ended up being distracted by a thousand other things instead. Still, even though I was reading only a little bit each day I found myself wondering what was happening to the characters, thinking about scenes, trying to figure out what was going on.

The book focuses on characters that are kind of tangential to a big world-shaking plot with mages, intrigues, strange creatures, and all the rest of it. So they're not the heroes and they don't really know what's going on in the main action a lot of the time, but they occasionally get, and give us, glimpses of that world as they bump into a mage here, or walk into a scary wood where a creature is rumored to live or something like that. It's a story of real people with every day problems of earning enough money to survive, etc, and it's all the more engaging for it. I often find when the stakes get too big or the characters get too powerful I check out, so I really loved this story that was grounded in the lives of normal people.

This is not to say that nothing happen to the characters. On the contrary. They go through ALOT. K. S. Villoso is one author that doesn't shy away from putting her characters through horrors and misery. I still wouldn't consider this too, too dark, though. There's still enough hope for the characters. *eyes the rest of the series nervously*

By the second half things really started coming together and there were lots of reveals as everything I had been wondering about started clicking together. It was awesome how the author managed to keep me wondering for so long and then suddenly make it all clear as the action began to happen.

If you, like me, love epic fantasy and excellent world-building you'll definitely want to give it a try.

Meanwhile, I'm off to complete the trilogy!