A review by spelingexpirt13
The Reformed Vampire Support Group by Catherine Jinks


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There was once a beautiful, stong and sexy vampire. She killed bad guys and kissed the good ones. Her name was Zadia Bloodstone. But this isn't Zadia Bloodstone's story, this is the story of the sickly and weak author who invented her. This is Nina's story and Nina is a real vampire.

Nina, turned thirty years ago when she was fifteen years old and still living with her mum, is one of the small group of vampires living in Australia. This group makes up the Reformed Vampire Support Group. They are led by an ancient vampire, Sanford, who developed supplements that means the vampires can live off guinea pigs.

Life as a vampire is hard; too much light can make your blood vessels burst, you have no energy to be the evil creature of legend and you tend to spend your life stuck in a dark room watching television.

Nina hates being a vampire, she spends her time writing fictional books that are about the scary and sexy creatures that have filled the mainstream recently and the reality she puts up with angers and depresses her.

Then one Tuesday night, one of their group is found murdered in his home. Finally Nina has her chance to act more like Zadia Bloodstone and track down the killer to keep her and the rest of the group safe. Along the way she experiences first love, angry werewolves and slayer fanboys.

This book is a solid three stars. Funny, enjoyable and a nice read.