A review by mbenzz
Tsarina by Jackson Pearce, J. Nelle Patrick

Did not finish book.
DNF at 58%

Well, this was a disappointment. I never took to Natasha, the main character, and I could see from a mile away where the plot was headed. I read some reviews containing mild spoilers and saw that I was correct in my predictions of how this would end.

The relationship between Natasha and Alexei never felt real. They're only seen together in the first chapter as a way to introduce and set the stage for the Constellation Egg. Natasha is a rather spoiled and arrogant twit who apparently has zero concern for her supposed 'friend' Emilia's well being as she blindly traipses all over Russia thinking she can just grab the egg from the people who stole it and deliver it to the Romanov's, making her a hero of Russia. I was not the least bit convinced that Natasha actually loved Alexei for Alexei and not because she would one day marry him and become the Tsarina of Russia. I was TOLD many times that she loved him, but I never actually FELT it was true. Natasha comes across as quite shallow.

Oh, and speaking of Emilia...how is she a Countess when her father and brother are alive? I assume her mother is dead, but that wouldn't make HER the Countess then. What if her father were to remarry? I'll admit that I know next to nothing about Russian nobility and how it works, but it seemed strange and was never explained (at least not in the 58% I read).

Anyway, the gist of this review is, I didn't like it and I wouldn't recommend it. I was expecting something more in the Historical Fiction realm and instead got something in the YA/teen angst and stupidity realm. Not what I was looking for.