A review by art_cart_ron
Doom Patrol Vol. 1: Brick by Brick by Gerard Way


Artist Nick Derington is the star of this book, and his name should absolutely be up there beside Gerard Way's. The artwork was my favorite part of this new DP.
I've got a long-time love of Doom Patrol, and Way is a huge fan of Grant Morrison - so the work is handled with skill, knowledge, and some beautiful creative flair. I'm a little concerned that some characters will end up with shallow portrayals. Jane was almost entirely glossed over, even with an issue focusing on her. Cliff's whole deal is being the most human, and least human, at the same time - but this wasn't on display. The focus here is Casey Brink - and it's a worthwhile focus. I love that a facet of Danny is the center of the book. There were some cheap tricks and derivatives that I can't decide if they were fun or empty (TARDIS ambulance, Green Lantern retcon origin for Negative Man)... but that distills a sort of magic about comics, so I dig it.
Looking forward to seeing where the crew goes next. Keeping Way at the keyboard, and Derington at the drawing board, seems to be a little challenging - I don't even know if they even estimate deadlines and release dates on DP anymore - but it's worth the wait. Way is flighty, to say the least, which makes relying on him for anything a risky endeavor - but he's a brilliant artist when his muse is in gear.