A review by knod78
A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon


Whew! I finished the book, all 1,439 pages. I believe this is officially the longest book I’ve ever read.

I loved this book. I loved the story and the themes diane presented. It made me really think and I wished a history or debate class would ask these questions for a long discussion in the class. The two big themes included the following:
1. If the Scottish highlanders hadn’t been horrible defeated in Culloden, would the Revolution have more highlanders fighting on the American side? Granted, America might not have had as many Scots if Culloden happened differently.
2. Would the Native Americans have fared better in life if the British won the American Revolution instead of the Americans?

I loved how the future folk and Jaime and the British/Americans trying to secure the Highlanders wrestled with these two issues.

The last three books have been a bit of slog to read. Great, but not the magic as the first two books. However, the 6th one brought it back. I was engaged with everything and couldn’t put it down.

My issue with the book is that it did have SO MUCH going on with the main plot, start of the war, and the several mysteries that popped up. By the time, I got to the Malva scandal, I almost stopped the book for a bit. I was frustrated and annoyed with what she did and the people of the ridge too. However, that particular plot kind of solved other weird plots that occurred that well I didn’t think was much.

The book did wrap up everything and I loved the ending, especially the two epilogues. I’m very excited to read the seventh book to find out about Scotland and more Revolutinary war America.

Also, loved seeing that Jaime met John Hancock and there was a passage about girding your loins. I thought only Stanley tucci said that phrase.