A review by caterinaanna
Becoming Jane Eyre by Sheila Kohler


I'm afraid I found this rather turgid and didn't enjoy it much. It re-tells the plot of some other Bronte novels as well as [b:Jane Eyre|10210|Jane Eyre|Charlotte Brontë|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1327867269s/10210.jpg|2977639], interweaving them with chunks of their life story. It doesn't deal with all of the novels equally eg [b:Shirley|31168|Shirley|Charlotte Brontë|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1299948983s/31168.jpg|2685457] gets a mention, but there is little on what Charlotte might have drawn from when writing it. If you haven't read a biography, you might discover things you didn't know - the generally accepted facts are pretty much stuck to, to the extent that I found it somewhat hagiographical. There is a lot of not very detailed description; the author didn't seem to have a feel for either Yorkshire or London, so I was disappointed but unsurprised to find 'pants' used for trousers later in the book.