A review by bookwormlukas
The Memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George


WOW, this book truly feels like an accomplishment to complete. My edition totalled 1137 pages, which probably makes it the largest book I have ever read. I'm also sad that it's actually over too, as it was a surprisingly engrossing read.

I think my enjoyment of this novel was helped out by the fact that I knew very little of Cleopatra's life before reading, I knew of the basics of course. Her affairs with Caesar and Anthony, and her chosen form of death, but other than that I was completely ignorant. The writer does extremely well in creating ancient Egypt, in fact at times, it felt like if I was to magically appear there, that I would easily be able to find my way around. The descriptions were beautiful, the Nile, the Temples, everything was grand and well described.

If I have any criticisms, it is that certain points do become slightly repetitive. Cleopatra finds herself telling Anthony and Ceaser that she loves them many times, and from the Author's notes it's clear that those relationships have become a lot more romanticised, and the last two hundred pages are an agonising wait to the conclusion (but considering this is historically accurate that can't be helped)…but, overall it truly is a wonderful novel, I don't especially see myself reading it a second time but I can't recommend it enough.

I also have George's 'Helen of Troy' novel, so that will be in the to-read pile, although I think a break from historical fiction is due for a while.