A review by mbenzz
Something Blue by Emily Giffin


Even though I loved 'Something Borrowed', I really hated Darcy Rhone, and when I found out 'Something Blue' was all about her, I was very skeptical. Much to my surprise though, I LOVED this book. I think I may even like it better than the first one!

The book starts out with a couple chapters rehashing the final pages of the first book when Darcy finds out about Dex and Rachel's affair, and Darcy discovers her own surprise. The following chapters are Darcy being her shallow, manipulative, immature, whiney 'ol self...I still hated her and thought nothing would change that. But about half-way through the book, when she gets to London friendless, man-less, and at her lowest, she finally starts to grow up and take a mature look at her life and where it's heading.

Figuring she needs to end her obsession with Rachel and Dex, find a job, and not be so judgmental based on shallow observations, she sets about trying to right all the wrongs in her life. With the help of her childhood friend Ethan (the one who lives in London), she slowly starts making progress in becoming a better person overall.

Bottom line...this was a marvelous read. I loved the ending and even grew to like Darcy herself. Kudos to Ms. Giffin who has given us two very readable story's that are next to impossible to put down. I will definitely be keeping my eye out for her future novels, she really has a great talent for storytelling.