A review by ashkitty93
Naked by Eliza Redgold


"I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva..."

So, no joke, this moved up on my priority list after we watched Bohemian Rhapsody a few months ago and I got onto (yet another) Queen kick. After finishing, I have to say that I'm pretty sure 95% of this was fictional, because the legend of the naked ride is just that - apparently has no plausible basis in fact. Thorkell the Tall was a real person, as Godiva and Leofric were. That's... it? idk. I appreciated the book because it wove a decent story, but I think my actual favorite historical fact to come out of all this (which wasn't in the book bc it happened later) is that Godiva is actually in the Domesday book. The only woman to hold land in the Domesday book. Cool as heck.

Another thing: The writing style didn't always agree with me. I got the poetic-prose vibe she was going for, but a lot of the time it just felt really choppy and fragmented. Commas aren't the plague.

Good historical fiction story, based more on fiction than history.