A review by sarah_moynihan
House of Furies by Madeleine Roux


Loisa has never quite fit in anywhere, people are automatically mistrustful of her. She's been sent off to boarding school by her grandparents, only to later run from the school. When we first meet her, she is telling fortunes on the street in the hope to make enough coin to find food and shelter. She is approached by a curious old woman who give her some gold coinage, which Louisa used to try to buy some meat pies. The man running the stall doesn't believe she could earn such coins and accuses her of theivery, alerting nearby persons and assembling a mob to capture her. As Louisa is fleeing, the old woman reappears and tells her that she can bring her to a house where there's an available position for her. Louisa decides it to be a better option than risking the mob catching her, and so she follows the woman out of town and onward to this job opportunity. Once there she discovers that this is just any normal house or any regular job position. She plans to pilfer things from the house that she can then use to try to trade for food/passage/shelter. In her snooping, however, she gets more than expected. She comes into contact with a Resident of the house and tethers herself to the house by touching the ominous book in the attic. She wars with herself as to whether or not she should stay and even if she would be able to devise a way to escape. In the end, however, she remains at the house out of loyalty to her new friend and insatiable curiousity. High stakes are paid at the end and we are given an unresolved ending to lead us into the next in the series.
I know this book is meant to lead directly into the sequel, but it left everything feeling very unresolved. If this was a TV show, "To Be Coninued" would flash acress the screen at the end.
In saying that, however, I must say that I did actually quite enjoy this book. It was histroical fiction with a gothic theme, which I adore. I was afraid the book would lean too heavily on the gothuc side and slip into being cheesy and overdone, but there was a nice balance. The plot was intruiging and unique and I will definitely be reading the sequel.