A review by reeshadovahsil
The Turning: What Curiosity Kills by Helen Ellis


Yikes. Half-developed characters, rushed plot points that come out of nowhere, scenes of animal cruelty, meaningless (and boring) triangle "romances," casual racism (for instance, a character prances around with a shower caddy upside down on her head... I was thinking it was an imaginary hat and had to read the scene about five times because it didn't make any sense what this shower caddy was meant to represent, until I realized that the caddy was yellow and she was meant to be imitating an Asian girl from school—whose name is Ling Ling by the freaking way—so it was a dig at this girl's race)... No, thanks!

It's sad, because the beginning wasn't too bad, even if the main plot was a little silly. But I was willing to go with that at first, since it's a YA title and you know from the cover and synopsis that it's going to have a bit of nonsense. The beginning earned the second star. But it went off the rails after only a few chapters and only got worse from there.

Not recommended for anyone. I'll donate it to the library but I feel kind of bad for whoever ends up with it next.