A review by bjork5ever
Manaschi by Hamid Ismailov


wild! I loved reading this, I love anyone badass enough to centre their story around an epic like the Manas. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of being stumped by confuddling phrases and idioms that were rightfully not translated. The first half of the novel was so spectacular, setting up this thrilling tension- with the Kyrgyz/Tajik conflict, the mullah and his influence on Dapan, the Chinese construction crew, and especially Bekesh (the lead protagonist), who is troubled by his own inadequacies and fearing fate and his own burden as a potential Manas reciter... all these fascinating interconnected characters and cultural relationships provided so much to work with but I feel the story fell flat in after the second act. Shame. Pacing was a bit odd as well...slowing down to digest strange details but speeding past important plot moments.

All that said, this book fucking rocked. I enjoyed the experience and the writing was amazing. 4 stars!