A review by pattydsf
A Lady's Secret by Jo Beverley


Apparently I have not read anything by Jo Beverley since I started keeping track here four years ago. It is about time to rectify this. Those books that I have read in the Malloren series have been enjoyable romances.

A Lady's Secret met all my requirements of historical romance. I especially enjoyed the interaction between Robin and Petra because Robin was not a typical romantic hero. His sense of humor made the book a fun read.

I should say that I really don't have a good grasp on this particular series. This is number eight and I think I have read two other earlier romances. I guess I need to read the others to fill in the blanks.

I am not terribly selective in my romance reading, but if you like the Georgian period, a little humor with your love story and you want to escape the 21st century, I recommend you try Jo Beverley.