A review by ellis_eden
Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde


At the beginning of this novel, I was terrifically excited. I thought I had finally stumbled upon a contemporary golden-age style writer. Adventure! Science! Dystopian future! Kisses! Fair maidens who kick ass!

But then it just started dragging on, and on. I stopped caring about the characters, because for all the glimmering mirage of excitement and a great story arc, the book became a book about itself. Too involved in world building but then doing almost nothing with that world.

I may pick this up again at another time. I only made it halfway before I got tired of hoping 2D Retroussé Manic Juliet Pixie Girl would evolve into a real heroine and Dandy Color Boy Romeo would do something. Anything. I dislike reading entire books that feel like backstory for future novels.

I also now officially hate the word retroussé.