A review by dance64
The Dreaming Stars: Book II of the Axiom by Tim Pratt


(This was a buddy read, but then my buddy betrayed me and finished before me, so I had to sprint to catch up. XD)
I'm not really sure what my feelings of this book are, to be honest. I definitely felt like the first part dragged and nothing particularly interesting happened, and the second part was just...confusing. It felt like everything was rushed and not fully fleshed out, and there was more than one moment when I had to go back and reread a paragraph. I didn't feel as invested in the story or the characters as I had in the first book, and I even started to severely dislike Callie by the end. Sebastian was an interesting character, but while I didn't necessarily hate the direction his character was going in, I felt like it could have been done differently and more gradually, and fleshed out futher. Also, I had many ideas on how Hypnos was going to play a bigger part in the plot, and none of those ideas is what actually happened. I was taken off guard, but honestly it just made me laugh. And when I'm supposed to be intimidated by these genocidal aliens, I don't think I'm supposed to be laughing.
Overall, this was just okay. It felt really rushed in some places, and dragged out in others. I'm still intrigued enough by the end to want to pick up the third book at some point, but I'm not as enthusiastic as I was when I first started the series.