A review by bookbriefs
Ninja Girl by Cookie O'Gorman


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Ninja Girl is a young adult contemporary romance by Cookie O'Gorman. Last year, I read Adorkable by Cookie and I absolutely loved it. It was so stinkin' cute. Ninja Girl looked super cute, so I couldn't pass this one up. I didn't even realize that it was set in the same universe as Adorkable until I was about halfway through the book. It's not a sequel or anything, so you don't have to read adorkable first, but if you are looking for cute YA reads, you totally should. Both Adorkable and Ninja Girl were excellent!

Ninja Girl is the story of Ash, a politician's son and Snow, an awesome martial artist. I loved the scene in the movie theater where Ash and Snow "met". Holy Cow! That scene was making me nervous. Snow has more guts in her little finger than I do in my whole body I think! I know that is what caught Ash's eye in the first place. Watching him pursue Snow was beyond cute. I loved watching the two of them dance around each other. Snow is a great character. She doesn't really fit in with some of the girls her age, but she does a have a great set of friends. Bae and Min were excellent and I loved having them as supporting characters. I would kind of like to back up three months and read about their story! (Please!) Ash is a great guy too. He felt super genuine and was just the right amount of cocky. (I.E. not too much.) Overall, this was a really fun and cute read. Lots of kicking butt and lots of adorable romance. It was a total win for me. I think I liked it even more than Adorkable.

I loved that even though the storyline was a little unrealistic, it didn't feel crazy out of place. I wouldn't picture a high school aged girl to be selected to be a body guard to a high profile guy who is receiving death threats. But the funny thing, is it felt super realistic. Cookie O'Gorman truly did a fantastic job with the fighting scenes. I believed that Snow really was a kick butt ninja girl. I think that was my favorite part of the whole book. I loved how much I bought into and believed in the characters and the storyline. Cookie O'Gorman is a great writer. I can't wait to read more books by her. Ninja Girl was a great read for me.

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs